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Vnaya is the first online tutoring company that follows the unique procedure to match the students with the best tutors based on their compatible learning and teaching styles.
“At Vnaya this is strongly believed that the teachers must end up teaching children successfully to love learning”. For example: If any student is good at learning the words (Linguistic and verbal intelligence), the corresponding tutor with same teaching style (Linguistic and verbal intelligence) is patched with that student.
Discover your learning style now by taking this free Porter Diagnostic Learning Assessment, and we’ll find the tutor for you who specializes in the similar teaching style.
This amazing, psychometric assessment measures your child’s learning strengths and weaknesses and thus aids in finding the ways to boost the overall learning potential of any student.
Choose from a range of subjects and topics and start learning!
Vnaya Education | 2025-03-25 11:56:38
Vnaya Education | 2025-03-12 15:29:26
Vnaya Education | 2025-03-03 18:09:01
Vnaya Education | 2025-02-21 14:36:54