Parenting(Age 5 to 8) | Academic | General | Parenting(Age 9 to 12) | Parenting(Age 13 to 16) | AGO
The homeschool method is an alternative method of education, where parents opt to teach their children an academic curriculum at home instead of sending them to regular schools. While homeschooling, parents create a structured schedule and age-appropriate curriculum to teach traditional subjects such as math, science, history, grammar, reading, and even subjects like music and craft. The quality of education received by homeschooled children depends on the proficiency of their parents, donning the hat of tutors, as well as on the availability and depth of the study material and resources.
Why Choose Homeschooling Over Public/Private Schools?
Educating the child is a supersensitive subject as a parent. And you would thoroughly check all options from various angles before making any decisions about your child’s academic journey. Parents who choose to homeschool their children, do so for various reasons.
You may go for homeschooling, because of the flexibility, academic benefits, efficiency, and opportunities homeschooling can offer. You seek an education that’s not based on minimum standards and a one-size-fits-all approach but you can prioritize a child’s mental, emotional, behavioral, and physical health with efficient and one-on-one learning, without wasted time and a busy work schedule.
How to Kick start your Child’s Homeschool Journey?
Homeschooling your child is not a daunting task. Just like your child learned to walk and talk with you as their guide, they can continue to learn at home in a relaxed, loving environment. But if your child is already in a public school, and you feel the need to homeschool him/her, you must notify the school first. Though there are some things you need to do before you start to homeschool your child.
What do you Need for Testing and Evaluating your Child?
When you teach your child, you know at what level their understanding of the particular subject is, and the effectiveness of the education your child is receiving. But you can contact a certified teacher for evaluating your child or you can set a standardized test yourself. You can also document your child’s progress by maintaining a portfolio of their chronological work samples from the year, photos, and a list of field trips, reading goals, writing projects, and other homeschool treasured memories.
For the majority of parents who homeschool, the only requirement is the desire to do so, along with a dedication to the educational process. They have to enjoy all the questions raised by the kids, and equally enjoy answering them as well. Your child should enjoy your company and you must channel their energy, passion, and their innocence into performing life skills. Like anything else when it comes to life and education, you need to make the right choice for your kid.
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